The epic adventure of a coaching software
avatarViviane Samson
November 9, 2023

Here's the story of Pano (Panoramix Coaching)

How could we help software development teams?

It all started with this simple sentence.

After years of reflections, observations and findings on the way IT teams operated, we were seeking a way to help them become more efficient and, above all, healthier.

Armed with this initial question, we imagined an application that would enable us to see the strengths and weaknesses of a software development team, in real time. This initial idea presented its share of challenges, especially in terms of the sensitivity and confidentiality of data it required. What's more, we couldn't guarantee that those data would not be used to put further pressure on the teams.

Always keen to create caring digital environments accessible to all, our team quickly agreed that such a tool was risky, and that we'd need to work alongside experienced IT coaches to correctly interpret the results and not misuse them.

This insight completely changed our course.

So the choice to turn to IT coaches in 100% of our platform came naturally. Who better than these experts to carry out our shared mission of helping IT teams?

And so we set out to create a platform directly for coaches and in tune with their work: flexible, benevolent, adaptable to different work contexts and expanding with experience.

The more we discovered about coaches’ work, the more we realized that there was a crying need for a more appropriate tool that would help them avoid oversights and blind spots, and take their practice further.

Business coaches play an essential role in the performance and health of companies, especially in the technology sector. Despite this, solutions on the market are not flexible or adapted to their reality. As a result, most coaches rely on simple note-taking and create their own system. This approach doesn't always allow them to be forward-looking and innovative in their work, and it also requires years of experience.

Panoramix Coaching's mission is to simplify coaches' work and meet the growing and increasingly complex needs of the professional coaching world, while helping young coaches to thrive more quickly.

A digital solution for and by coaches

As always, users' experience and the need to actively involve them has been at the heart of the project from the very start. We believe in co-creation, and so far it's paying off!

But beyond our process, we wanted to give something tangible back to coaches. That's why Panoramix Coaching has made it its mission to become the hub for coaches.

We want to foster a climate of trust and collaboration through our services, in order to strengthen the community of independent coaches and coaching SMEs in Quebec and abroad. We know that a strong coaching community that values mutual support can only take the profession to another level, as well as supporting new coaches in their learning process.

We've already kicked things off more discreetly, inviting coaches to take advantage of our launch event to network and get to know each other. We hope this event is only the first in a series of friendly Panoramix Coaching get-togethers!

A tried-and-tested approach

end. Generally speaking, when we first receive a mandate from a customer, a good deal of thinking has already been done on their side. They present us with a challenge and we investigate potential solutions.

design methodology

With this project, we set ourselves a challenge of sorts, on the theme of work dynamics within IT teams. Among other things, it was a great opportunity to use all our knowledge, in terms of user research strategy (much to the delight of our UX), technology, testing strategy and much more!

Totally Dev-Ops

We're proud to say that we haven't given up on our best practices at all - quite the opposite, in fact! Our software development process is more refined, and with a team as close-knit as ours, the results are incredible.


To give an idea, within 2 weeks of the official launch of the coaching platform, we were able to receive feedback, prioritize our upcoming features and make 2 new features available to our subscribers!

Now, 2 months later, even more functionalities, big and small, have been released, making the app an even more complete platform: we're talking about mandates, corporate culture, interpersonal skills, motivators, needs and much more!

Take a look at the results and be sure to follow the project!

Ps- For your own project, feel free to contact us - we'll be happy to help!

avatarViviane Samson
November 9, 2023
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